Unlock the Power of glTF: A Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Extras to Your glTF/glB File Using glTFLoader by KhronosGroup
Image by Ulyses - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of glTF: A Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Extras to Your glTF/glB File Using glTFLoader by KhronosGroup

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Are you tired of limited features in your 3D models? Do you want to take your glTF/glB files to the next level? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to add extras to your glTF/glB file using glTFLoader by KhronosGroup. Get ready to unleash the full potential of your 3D models and elevate your visual experiences.

What are Extras in glTF?

Extras are custom data that can be added to a glTF/glB file to provide additional information or functionality. They can be used to store metadata, animations, physics data, or even custom scripts. Extras are a game-changer for 3D developers, allowing them to enrich their models with unique features and interactions.

Why Use Extras?

  • Enhance your 3D models with custom data and functionality
  • Store metadata, such as author information or model descriptions
  • Animated models with custom animations and effects
  • Integrate physics-based simulations for realistic interactions
  • Run custom scripts to manipulate your 3D models

What is glTFLoader by KhronosGroup?

glTFLoader is a JavaScript library developed by KhronosGroup, the organization behind the glTF file format. glTFLoader is designed to load, parse, and process glTF/glB files, making it an essential tool for any 3D developer working with glTF models.

The library provides a range of features, including:

  • Loading and parsing glTF/glB files
  • Accessing and manipulating 3D model data
  • Support for animations, physics, and custom scripts
  • Integration with popular 3D engines and frameworks

Adding Extras to Your glTF/glB File Using glTFLoader

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of adding extras to your glTF/glB file using glTFLoader.

Step 1: Load the glTF/glB File

const loader = new GLTFLoader();

loader.load('path/to/model.glb', (gltf) => {
  // Process the loaded glTF model

In this example, we create a new instance of the GLTFLoader and load a glTF/glB file using the `load()` method. The callback function receives the loaded glTF model as an argument.

Step 2: Access the Extras

const extras = gltf.extras;

if (extras) {
} else {
  console.log('No extras found in the glTF model.');

Once the glTF model is loaded, we can access the extras using the `extras` property. If the model contains extras, we can log them to the console.

Step 3: Add a Custom Extra

const customExtra = {
  name: 'Custom Extra',
  value: 'This is a custom extra added to the glTF model.'

gltf.extras = gltf.extras || {};
gltf.extras.customExtra = customExtra;


In this example, we create a custom extra object with a `name` and `value` property. We then add the custom extra to the `extras` object using the `customExtra` key. Finally, we log the updated `extras` object to the console.

Step 4: Save the Updated glTF/glB File

const glbOutput = new Uint8Array(gltf.bufferURI.length);
const writer = new glTFWriter(gltf);

writer.writeBuffer(glbOutput, (error, output) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('Updated glTF/glB file saved:', output);

To save the updated glTF/glB file, we create a new `Uint8Array` to store the output buffer. We then create a new instance of the `glTFWriter` and write the updated glTF model to the output buffer using the `writeBuffer()` method.

Step 5: Verify the Updated glTF/glB File

Finally, we can verify that the updated glTF/glB file contains the custom extra by loading it again using glTFLoader:

loader.load('path/to/updated_model.glb', (gltf) => {
  const extras = gltf.extras;
  if (extras && extras.customExtra) {
    console.log('Custom extra found in the updated glTF model:', extras.customExtra);
  } else {
    console.log('Custom extra not found in the updated glTF model.');

By following these steps, you can successfully add extras to your glTF/glB file using glTFLoader by KhronosGroup.

Best Practices for Working with Extras

When working with extras in glTF/glB files, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use unique keys for your custom extras to avoid conflicts with built-in extras.
  • Keep your extras organized and structured to ensure easy access and manipulation.
  • Use descriptive names and values for your extras to ensure clarity and readability.
  • Test your extras thoroughly to ensure they are correctly added and accessed.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the ins and outs of adding extras to your glTF/glB file using glTFLoader by KhronosGroup. With these step-by-step instructions and best practices, you’re now equipped to unlock the full potential of your 3D models and take your visual experiences to the next level.

Remember to experiment with different types of extras and explore the vast possibilities they offer. Happy coding, and don’t forget to share your creations with the 3D community!

Extra Type Description
Metadata Store author information, model descriptions, or other metadata.
Animations Add custom animations and effects to your 3D models.
Physics Data Integrate physics-based simulations for realistic interactions.
Custom Scripts Run custom scripts to manipulate your 3D models or trigger specific actions.

Get creative with your extras and push the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of 3D!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to add extras to a glTF/glb file using glTFLoader by KhronosGroup”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of adding extras to your glTF/glb files using glTFLoader by KhronosGroup!

What are extras in a glTF/glb file, and why do I need them?

Extras are custom metadata that can be added to a glTF/glb file to provide additional information about the 3D model or scene. They can include things like physics data, animation controllers, or even custom attributes. You need extras to enhance the functionality of your 3D models and make them more interactive or dynamic.

How do I add extras to a glTF/glb file using glTFLoader?

To add extras to a glTF/glb file using glTFLoader, you need to create a JSON object that contains the custom metadata. Then, you can use the `glTFLoader.setExtra()` method to add the extras to the glTF/glb file. This method takes two arguments: the name of the extra and the JSON object containing the extra data.

Can I add multiple extras to a single glTF/glb file?

Yes, you can add multiple extras to a single glTF/glb file using glTFLoader. Simply create multiple JSON objects for each extra and use the `glTFLoader.setExtra()` method to add each one separately. The extras will be stored in a dictionary-like structure, with each extra identified by a unique name.

How do I access the extras in a glTF/glb file using glTFLoader?

To access the extras in a glTF/glb file using glTFLoader, you can use the `glTFLoader.getExtra()` method. This method takes a single argument, the name of the extra, and returns the associated JSON object. You can then use the data in the JSON object to customize the behavior of your 3D model or scene.

Are there any best practices for using extras in glTF/glb files?

Yes, there are several best practices for using extras in glTF/glb files. For example, you should use meaningful and unique names for your extras, and ensure that the data is properly formatted and validated. Additionally, you should consider using a consistent naming convention for your extras and documenting them clearly in your code or documentation.